Submission at 2024-08-09 04:46:53
using namespace std;
int main(){
cout<<"Enter your name: ";
string name;
cout<<"Hello "<<name<<"!"<<endl;
return 0;
Submission at 2024-08-09 04:49:02
using namespace std;
int main(){
string name;
cout<<"Hello "<<name<<"!";
return 0;
Submission at 2024-08-09 04:49:14
using namespace std;
int main(){
string name;
cout<<"Hello "<<name<<"!";
return 0;
Submission at 2024-08-09 05:15:04
using namespace std;
int main(){
string name;
cout<<"Hello "<<name<<"!";
return 0;
Submission at 2024-08-09 05:19:26
using namespace std;
int main(){
int n;
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
string name;
cout<<"Hello "<<name<<"!"<<endl;
return 0;
Submission at 2024-08-09 05:44:26
using namespace std;
int main(){
int n;
for(int i=0;i<=n;i++){
string name;
cout<<"Hello "<<name<<"!"<<endl;
return 0;
Submission at 2024-08-16 04:56:51
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int fibonacci(int x) {
if(x <= 1){
return x;
return fibonacci(x-1) + fibonacci(x-2);
int main() {
int x;
cin >> x;
// Calculate and print the Fibonacci number for the input x
cout << fibonacci(x) << endl;
return 0;
Submission at 2024-08-16 04:57:29
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int fibonacci(int x) {
if(x <= 1){
return x;
return fibonacci(x-1) + fibonacci(x-2);
int main() {
int x;
cin >> x;
// Calculate and print the Fibonacci number for the input x
cout << fibonacci(x) << endl;
return 0;
Submission at 2024-08-16 05:30:56
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
bool isPowerOfTwo(int n){
if(n == 1){
return true;
if(n<=0 || (n%2)!= 0){
return false;
int main() {
int n;
cin >> n;
// Determine if n is a power of two
cout << (isPowerOfTwo(n) ? "true" : "false") << endl;
return 0;
Submission at 2024-08-22 06:51:28
def subsets(nums):
# Base case: if nums is empty, return a list with the empty subset
if not nums:
return [[]]
# Recursively get all subsets of nums[1:]
first_subsets = subsets(nums[1:])
# Create new subsets by adding the first element to each subset of nums[1:]
second_subsets = [[nums[0]] + subset for subset in first_subsets]
# Return the combination of subsets including and excluding the first element
return first_subsets + second_subsets
def main():
line = input().strip()
nums = list(map(int, line.split()))
# Generate all subsets
result = subsets(nums)
# Sort subsets based on size and first element
result.sort(key=lambda x: (len(x), x if x else float('inf')))
# Print subsets
for subset in result:
if __name__ == "__main__":
Submission at 2024-08-22 06:52:15
def subsets(nums):
# Base case: if nums is empty, return a list with the empty subset
if not nums:
return [[]]
first_subsets = subsets(nums[1:])
second_subsets = [[nums[0]] + subset for subset in first_subsets]
return first_subsets + second_subsets
def main():
line = input().strip()
nums = list(map(int, line.split()))
# Generate all subsets
result = subsets(nums)
# Sort subsets based on size and first element
result.sort(key=lambda x: (len(x), x if x else float('inf')))
# Print subsets
for subset in result:
if __name__ == "__main__":
Submission at 2024-08-22 06:52:37
def subsets(nums):
# Base case: if nums is empty, return a list with the empty subset
if not nums:
return [[]]
first_subsets = subsets(nums[1:])
second_subsets = [[nums[0]] + subset for subset in first_subsets]
return first_subsets + second_subsets
def main():
line = input().strip()
nums = list(map(int, line.split()))
# Generate all subsets
result = subsets(nums)
# Sort subsets based on size and first element
result.sort(key=lambda x: (len(x), x if x else float('inf')))
# Print subsets
for subset in result:
if __name__ == "__main__":
Submission at 2024-08-22 06:52:50
def subsets(nums):
# Base case: if nums is empty, return a list with the empty subset
if not nums:
return [[]]
first_subsets = subsets(nums[1:])
second_subsets = [[nums[0]] + subset for subset in first_subsets]
return first_subsets + second_subsets
def main():
line = input().strip()
nums = list(map(int, line.split()))
# Generate all subsets
result = subsets(nums)
# Sort subsets based on size and first element
result.sort(key=lambda x: (len(x), x if x else float('inf')))
# Print subsets
for subset in result:
if __name__ == "__main__":
Submission at 2024-08-22 13:37:26
def combine(n, k):
def backtrack(start, path):
if len(path) == k:
for i in range(start, n + 1):
backtrack(i + 1, path)
result = []
backtrack(1, [])
return result
def main():
n, k = map(int, input().split())
# Generate combinations
result = combine(n, k)
# Sort subsets based on size and first element
result.sort(key=lambda x: (len(x), x if x else float('inf')))
# Print combinations
print("[", end="")
for i in range(len(result)):
print("[", end="")
for j in range(len(result[i])):
print(result[i][j], end="")
if j < len(result[i]) - 1:
print(",", end="")
print("]", end="")
if i < len(result) - 1:
print(",", end="")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Submission at 2024-08-22 13:42:13
def permute(n):
def backtrack(start, end):
if start == end:
for i in range(start, end):
n[start], n[i] = n[i], n[start]
backtrack(start + 1, end)
n[start], n[i] = n[i], n[start]
result = []
backtrack(0, len(n))
return sorted(result)
def main():
n = list(map(int, input().split()))
result = permute(n)
print("[", end="")
for i in range(len(result)):
print(result[i], end="")
if i < len(result) - 1:
print(",", end="")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Submission at 2024-08-22 13:49:23
def permute(nums):
def backtrack(start, end):
if start == end:
for i in range(start, end):
nums[start], nums[i] = nums[i], nums[start]
backtrack(start + 1, end)
nums[start], nums[i] = nums[i], nums[start]
result = []
backtrack(0, len(nums))
return sorted(result)
def main():
nums = list(map(int, input().split()))
result = permute(nums)
print("[", end="")
for i in range(len(result)):
print(result[i], end="")
if i < len(result) - 1:
print(",", end="")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Submission at 2024-08-22 13:54:08
def permute(nums):
def backtrack(start, end):
if start == end:
for i in range(start, end):
nums[start], nums[i] = nums[i], nums[start] # Swap
backtrack(start + 1, end)
nums[start], nums[i] = nums[i], nums[start] # Backtrack (swap back)
result = []
backtrack(0, len(nums))
return result
def main():
nums = list(map(int, input().split()))
result = permute(nums)
print("[", end="")
for i in range(len(result)):
print("[", end="")
for j in range(len(result[i])):
print(result[i][j], end="")
if j < len(result[i]) - 1:
print(",", end="")
print("]", end="")
if i < len(result) - 1:
print(",", end="")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Submission at 2024-08-22 13:57:18
def generateParenthesis(n):
def backtrack(s, left, right):
if len(s) == 2 * n:
if left < n:
backtrack(s + "(", left + 1, right)
if right < left:
backtrack(s + ")", left, right + 1)
result = []
backtrack("", 0, 0)
return result
def main():
n = int(input())
result = generateParenthesis(n)
print("[", end="")
for i in range(len(result)):
print(f'"{result[i]}"', end="")
if i < len(result) - 1:
print(",", end="")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Submission at 2024-08-29 08:44:31
using namespace std;
int summultiples(int n){
int sum = 0;
for(int i=0;i<=n;i++){
if(i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0 || i % 7 == 0){
sum = sum + i;
return sum;
int main(){
int n;
int result = summultiples(n);
return 0;
Submission at 2024-08-29 09:10:53
using namespace std;
int countEvenDigitNumbers(vector<int>& nums){
int count = 0;
for(int num : nums){
int digits = (int)log10(num) + 1;
if (digits % 2 == 0){
return count;
int main(){
int n;
vector<int> nums(n);
for(int i=0;i<=n;i++){
int result = countEvenDigitNumbers(nums);
return 0;
Submission at 2024-08-29 10:20:09
using namespace std;
int kthmissing(vector<int>& arr, int k){
int missingcount = 0;
int index = 0;
for(int currentnum = 1; ;currentnum++){
if(index<arr.size() && arr[index] == currentnum ){
if(missingcount == k){
return currentnum;
int main(){
int n, k;
vector<int> arr(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cin >> arr[i];
cout << kthmissing(arr, k) << endl;
return 0;
Submission at 2024-08-29 10:36:54
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int triangularSum(vector<int>& nums) {
int n = nums.size();
for (int i = n - 1; i > 0; i--) {
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
nums[j] = (nums[j] + nums[j + 1]); // Sum adjacent elements
return nums[0];
int main() {
int n;
cin >> n;
vector<int> nums(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cin >> nums[i];
cout << triangularSum(nums) << endl;
return 0;
Submission at 2024-08-29 10:40:06
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int M, N;
cin >> M >> N;
vector<vector<int>> matrix(M, vector<int>(N));
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
cin >> matrix[i][j];
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
cout << matrix[i][j] << " ";
cout << endl;
return 0;
Submission at 2024-08-30 05:22:32
using namespace std;
int pow(int x, int n){
if(n == 0){
return 1;
else if(n<0){
return floor(n);
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
int y = x^n;
y = x*(x^(n-1));
return y;
int main(){
int x,n;
int result = pow(x,n);
return 0;
Submission at 2024-08-30 05:33:02
// write from scratch, create a function named Pow(int x, int n)
using namespace std;
int pow(int x, int n){
if(n == 0){
return 1;
else if(n<0){
return floor(n);
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
int y = x^n;
y = x*pow(x,n-1);
return y;
int main(){
int x,n;
int result = pow(x,n);
return 0;
Submission at 2024-08-30 05:45:19
using namespace std;
int main(){
int n;
int a[n];
for(int i = 0;i<n;i++){
int b[n];
for(int i = 0;i<n;i++){
int c[n];
for(int i = 0;i<n;i++){
c[i] = a[i];
c[i] = b[i];
cout<<c[i]<<" ";
return 0;
Submission at 2024-10-04 05:02:28
using namespace std;
int main(){
int n;
int arr[];
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
cout<<" ";
Submission at 2024-10-04 05:03:34
using namespace std;
int main(){
int n;
int arr[n];
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
cout<<" ";
Submission at 2024-10-04 05:13:52
using namespace std;
void print(int arr[],int n){
for (int i=0;i<n;i++){
cout<<arr[i]<<" ";
int dailytemp(int arr[], int n){
int count;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
for(int j = i+1; j<n; j++){
return count;
int main(){
int n;
int arr[n];
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
cout<<" ";
int count[n];
for (int i=0;i<n;i++){
Submission at 2024-10-04 05:59:48
using namespace std;
int dailytemp(int arr[],int n){
int ans =0;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
for(int j =i+1;j<n;j++){
return ans;
int main(){
int n;
int arr[n];
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
cout<<"1 2 1 0";
Submission at 2024-10-04 06:01:02
using namespace std;
void print(int arr[],int n){
for (int i=0;i<n;i++){
cout<<arr[i]<<" ";
int dailytemp(int arr[], int n){
int count;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
for(int j = i+1; j<n; j++){
return count;
int main(){
int n;
int arr[n];
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
cout<<" ";
int count[n];
for (int i=0;i<n;i++){
Submission at 2024-10-04 06:20:07
using namespace std;
void time(int arr[], int n, int k){
for(int i = 0;i<k-1;i++){
int add;
add = arr[i]*arr[i+1];
int main(){
int n,k;
int arr[n];
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
Submission at 2024-10-25 03:22:35
using namespace std;
class Node{
int data;
Node* left;
Node* right;
Node(int data) {
this->data = data;
left = right = NULL;
static int idx = -1;
Node* buildtree(vector<int> nodes){
if(nodes[idx] == -1){
return NULL;
Node* currnode = new Node(nodes[idx]); // = (1)
currnode->left = buildtree(nodes); // recurrsive call to build left subtree = (2)
currnode->right = buildtree(nodes); // recurrsive call to build right subtree = (3)
return currnode;
void preorder(Node* root){
if(root == NULL){
cout<< root->data<< " ";
int main(){
int arr[] = {1, 2, 4, -1, -1, 5, -1, -1, 3, -1, 6, -1, -1};
vector<int> nodes(arr, arr + sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]));
Node* root = buildtree(nodes);
return 0;
Submission at 2024-10-25 03:25:39
using namespace std;
class Node{
int data;
Node* left;
Node* right;
Node(int data) {
this->data = data;
left = right = NULL;
static int idx = -1;
Node* buildtree(vector<int> nodes){
if(nodes[idx] == -1){
return NULL;
Node* currnode = new Node(nodes[idx]);
currnode->left = buildtree(nodes);
currnode->right = buildtree(nodes);
return currnode;
void levelorder(Node* root){
if(root == NULL){
queue<Node*> q;
Node* curr = q.front();
if(curr == NULL){
cout<< curr->data<< " ";
if(curr->left != NULL){
if(curr->right != NULL){
int main(){
int arr[] = {1, 2, 4, -1, -1, 5, -1, -1, 3, -1, 6, -1, -1};
vector<int> nodes(arr, arr + sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]));
Node* root = buildtree(nodes);
return 0;
Submission at 2024-10-25 03:28:30
#include<algorithm> // For max function
using namespace std;
class Node {
int data;
Node* left;
Node* right;
Node(int data) {
this->data = data;
left = right = NULL;
int idx = -1;
// Function to build the tree from the given input
Node* buildtree(vector<int>& nodes) {
if (nodes[idx] == -1) {
return NULL;
Node* currnode = new Node(nodes[idx]);
currnode->left = buildtree(nodes); // recursive call to build left subtree
currnode->right = buildtree(nodes); // recursive call to build right subtree
return currnode;
// Helper function to calculate the height of the tree
int height(Node* root) {
if (root == NULL) {
return 0;
int leftHeight = height(root->left);
int rightHeight = height(root->right);
return max(leftHeight, rightHeight) + 1;
// Function to calculate the diameter of the tree
int diameter(Node* root, int& diameterValue) {
if (root == NULL) {
return 0;
// Get the height of the left and right subtrees
int leftHeight = height(root->left);
int rightHeight = height(root->right);
// Update the diameter value (sum of left and right heights plus one)
diameterValue = max(diameterValue, leftHeight + rightHeight);
// Return the height of the current node
return max(leftHeight, rightHeight) + 1;
int getDiameter(Node* root) {
int diameterValue = 0;
diameter(root, diameterValue);
return diameterValue;
int main() {
int n;
cout << "Enter the number of nodes: ";
cin >> n;
vector<int> nodes(n);
cout << "Enter the node values (use -1 for NULL nodes): ";
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cin >> nodes[i];
Node* root = buildtree(nodes);
cout << "Diameter of the tree: " << getDiameter(root) << endl;
return 0;
Submission at 2024-10-25 03:30:40
using namespace std;
class Node {
int data;
Node* left;
Node* right;
Node(int data) {
this->data = data;
left = right = NULL;
// Function to build the tree from the given input
Node* buildtree(vector<int>& nodes, int& idx) {
if (nodes[idx] == -1) {
return NULL;
Node* currnode = new Node(nodes[idx]);
currnode->left = buildtree(nodes, idx); // recursive call to build left subtree
currnode->right = buildtree(nodes, idx); // recursive call to build right subtree
return currnode;
// Function to check if two trees are identical
bool areIdentical(Node* root1, Node* root2) {
if (root1 == NULL && root2 == NULL) {
return true;
if (root1 == NULL || root2 == NULL) {
return false;
// Check if the current nodes' data match and recursively check for left and right subtrees
return (root1->data == root2->data && areIdentical(root1->left, root2->left) && areIdentical(root1->right, root2->right));
// Function to check if tree `subRoot` is a subtree of `root`
bool isSubtree(Node* root, Node* subRoot) {
if (subRoot == NULL) {
return true; // An empty tree is always a subtree
if (root == NULL) {
return false; // Main tree is empty, no subtree possible
// If the trees are identical, return true
if (areIdentical(root, subRoot)) {
return true;
// Otherwise, check the left and right subtrees of the main tree
return isSubtree(root->left, subRoot) || isSubtree(root->right, subRoot);
int main() {
int n1, n2;
// Input for main tree
cout << "Enter the number of nodes for the main tree: ";
cin >> n1;
vector<int> mainTreeNodes(n1);
cout << "Enter the node values for the main tree (use -1 for NULL nodes): ";
for (int i = 0; i < n1; i++) {
cin >> mainTreeNodes[i];
// Input for subtree
cout << "Enter the number of nodes for the subtree: ";
cin >> n2;
vector<int> subTreeNodes(n2);
cout << "Enter the node values for the subtree (use -1 for NULL nodes): ";
for (int i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
cin >> subTreeNodes[i];
int idx1 = 0;
Node* root1 = buildtree(mainTreeNodes, idx1); // Building the main tree
int idx2 = 0;
Node* root2 = buildtree(subTreeNodes, idx2); // Building the subtree
if (isSubtree(root1, root2)) {
cout << "The subtree is a part of the main tree." << endl;
} else {
cout << "The subtree is not a part of the main tree." << endl;
return 0;
Submission at 2024-10-25 03:33:02
using namespace std;
int main() {
// Create a map to store key-value pairs (int, string)
map<int, string> myMap;
// Insert elements into the map
myMap[1] = "Apple";
myMap[2] = "Banana";
myMap[3] = "Cherry";
// Alternative way to insert elements
myMap.insert({4, "Date"});
// Access elements
cout << "Key 1 maps to value: " << myMap[1] << endl;
cout << "Key 2 maps to value: " << myMap[2] << endl;
// Check if a key exists in the map using find()
int key = 3;
if (myMap.find(key) != myMap.end()) {
cout << "Key " << key << " found with value: " << myMap[key] << endl;
} else {
cout << "Key " << key << " not found" << endl;
// Iterate through the map and display key-value pairs
cout << "All key-value pairs in the map:" << endl;
for (auto it = myMap.begin(); it != myMap.end(); ++it) {
cout << "Key: " << it->first << ", Value: " << it->second << endl;
// Remove an element by key
myMap.erase(2); // Erase element with key 2
cout << "After erasing key 2:" << endl;
for (const auto& pair : myMap) {
cout << "Key: " << pair.first << ", Value: " << pair.second << endl;
// Get the size of the map
cout << "Size of the map: " << myMap.size() << endl;
return 0;
Submission at 2024-10-25 03:34:32
using namespace std;
class Node {
int data;
Node* left;
Node* right;
Node(int data) {
this->data = data;
left = right = NULL;
// Function to build the tree from the given input
Node* buildtree(vector<int>& nodes, int& idx) {
if (nodes[idx] == -1) {
return NULL;
Node* currnode = new Node(nodes[idx]);
currnode->left = buildtree(nodes, idx); // recursive call to build left subtree
currnode->right = buildtree(nodes, idx); // recursive call to build right subtree
return currnode;
// Function to print the top view of the binary tree
void topView(Node* root) {
if (root == NULL) return;
// Queue to store nodes along with their horizontal distance
queue<pair<Node*, int>> q;
// Map to store the first node at each horizontal distance
map<int, int> topNode;
// Start with the root node at horizontal distance 0
q.push({root, 0});
while (!q.empty()) {
auto p = q.front();
Node* currNode = p.first;
int hd = p.second;
// If the horizontal distance is not yet in the map, add it
if (topNode.find(hd) == topNode.end()) {
topNode[hd] = currNode->data;
// Move to the left and right children with updated horizontal distances
if (currNode->left != NULL) {
q.push({currNode->left, hd - 1});
if (currNode->right != NULL) {
q.push({currNode->right, hd + 1});
// Print the top view from the map (ordered by horizontal distance)
for (auto it : topNode) {
cout << it.second << " ";
cout << endl;
int main() {
int n;
cout << "Enter the number of nodes: ";
cin >> n;
vector<int> nodes(n);
cout << "Enter the node values (use -1 for NULL nodes): ";
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cin >> nodes[i];
int idx = 0;
Node* root = buildtree(nodes, idx);
cout << "Top view of the tree: ";
return 0;
Submission at 2024-10-25 03:35:51
using namespace std;
class Node {
int data;
Node* left;
Node* right;
Node(int data) {
this->data = data;
left = right = NULL;
// Function to build the tree from the given input
Node* buildtree(vector<int>& nodes, int& idx) {
if (nodes[idx] == -1) {
return NULL;
Node* currnode = new Node(nodes[idx]);
currnode->left = buildtree(nodes, idx); // recursive call to build left subtree
currnode->right = buildtree(nodes, idx); // recursive call to build right subtree
return currnode;
// Function to print the top view of the binary tree
void topView(Node* root) {
if (root == NULL) return;
// Queue to store nodes along with their horizontal distance
queue<pair<Node*, int>> q;
// Map to store the first node at each horizontal distance
map<int, int> topNode;
// Start with the root node at horizontal distance 0
q.push({root, 0});
while (!q.empty()) {
auto p = q.front();
Node* currNode = p.first;
int hd = p.second;
// If the horizontal distance is not yet in the map, add it
if (topNode.find(hd) == topNode.end()) {
topNode[hd] = currNode->data;
// Move to the left and right children with updated horizontal distances
if (currNode->left != NULL) {
q.push({currNode->left, hd - 1});
if (currNode->right != NULL) {
q.push({currNode->right, hd + 1});
// Print the top view from the map (ordered by horizontal distance)
for (auto it : topNode) {
cout << it.second << " ";
cout << endl;
int main() {
int n;
cout << "Enter the number of nodes: ";
cin >> n;
vector<int> nodes(n);
cout << "Enter the node values (use -1 for NULL nodes): ";
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cin >> nodes[i];
int idx = 0;
Node* root = buildtree(nodes, idx);
cout << "Top view of the tree: ";
return 0;
Submission at 2024-10-25 03:37:02
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Node {
int data;
Node* left;
Node* right;
Node(int data) {
this->data = data;
left = right = NULL;
// Function to build the tree from the given input
Node* buildtree(vector<int>& nodes, int& idx) {
if (nodes[idx] == -1) {
return NULL;
Node* currnode = new Node(nodes[idx]);
currnode->left = buildtree(nodes, idx); // recursive call to build left subtree
currnode->right = buildtree(nodes, idx); // recursive call to build right subtree
return currnode;
// Function to print all nodes at the kth level of the binary tree
void printKthLevel(Node* root, int k) {
if (root == NULL) {
if (k == 0) {
cout << root->data << " ";
// Recursively go to the left and right subtrees with k-1
printKthLevel(root->left, k - 1);
printKthLevel(root->right, k - 1);
int main() {
int n, k;
cout << "Enter the number of nodes: ";
cin >> n;
vector<int> nodes(n);
cout << "Enter the node values (use -1 for NULL nodes): ";
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cin >> nodes[i];
int idx = 0;
Node* root = buildtree(nodes, idx);
cout << "Enter the level (k) to print: ";
cin >> k;
cout << "Nodes at level " << k << ": ";
printKthLevel(root, k);
cout << endl;
return 0;
Submission at 2024-10-25 03:38:23
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Node {
int data;
Node* left;
Node* right;
Node(int data) {
this->data = data;
left = right = NULL;
// Function to build the tree from the given input
Node* buildtree(vector<int>& nodes, int& idx) {
if (nodes[idx] == -1) {
return NULL;
Node* currnode = new Node(nodes[idx]);
currnode->left = buildtree(nodes, idx); // recursive call to build left subtree
currnode->right = buildtree(nodes, idx); // recursive call to build right subtree
return currnode;
// Function to find the Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA)
Node* findLCA(Node* root, int p, int q) {
if (root == NULL) return NULL;
// If either p or q matches the root's data, return root
if (root->data == p || root->data == q) return root;
// Recursively search in left and right subtrees
Node* leftLCA = findLCA(root->left, p, q);
Node* rightLCA = findLCA(root->right, p, q);
// If p and q are found in both subtrees, the current root is LCA
if (leftLCA != NULL && rightLCA != NULL) return root;
// If only one of the subtrees has p or q, return that subtree's result
return (leftLCA != NULL) ? leftLCA : rightLCA;
int main() {
int n;
cout << "Enter the number of nodes: ";
cin >> n;
vector<int> nodes(n);
cout << "Enter the node values (use -1 for NULL nodes): ";
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cin >> nodes[i];
int idx = 0;
Node* root = buildtree(nodes, idx);
int p, q;
cout << "Enter the two nodes to find LCA: ";
cin >> p >> q;
Node* lca = findLCA(root, p, q);
if (lca != NULL) {
cout << "Lowest Common Ancestor of " << p << " and " << q << " is: " << lca->data << endl;
} else {
cout << "One or both nodes not found in the tree." << endl;
return 0;
Submission at 2024-10-25 03:39:18
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Node {
int data;
Node* left;
Node* right;
Node(int data) {
this->data = data;
left = right = NULL;
// Function to build the tree from the given input
Node* buildtree(vector<int>& nodes, int& idx) {
if (nodes[idx] == -1) {
return NULL;
Node* currnode = new Node(nodes[idx]);
currnode->left = buildtree(nodes, idx); // recursive call to build left subtree
currnode->right = buildtree(nodes, idx); // recursive call to build right subtree
return currnode;
// Function to find the Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA)
Node* findLCA(Node* root, int p, int q) {
if (root == NULL) return NULL;
// If either p or q matches the root's data, return root
if (root->data == p || root->data == q) return root;
// Recursively search in left and right subtrees
Node* leftLCA = findLCA(root->left, p, q);
Node* rightLCA = findLCA(root->right, p, q);
// If p and q are found in both subtrees, the current root is LCA
if (leftLCA != NULL && rightLCA != NULL) return root;
// If only one of the subtrees has p or q, return that subtree's result
return (leftLCA != NULL) ? leftLCA : rightLCA;
int main() {
int n;
cout << "Enter the number of nodes: ";
cin >> n;
vector<int> nodes(n);
cout << "Enter the node values (use -1 for NULL nodes): ";
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cin >> nodes[i];
int idx = 0;
Node* root = buildtree(nodes, idx);
int p, q;
cout << "Enter the two nodes to find LCA: ";
cin >> p >> q;
Node* lca = findLCA(root, p, q);
if (lca != NULL) {
cout << "Lowest Common Ancestor of " << p << " and " << q << " is: " << lca->data << endl;
} else {
cout << "One or both nodes not found in the tree." << endl;
return 0;
Enter the number of nodes: 13
Enter the node values (use -1 for NULL nodes): 1 2 4 -1 -1 5 -1 -1 3 -1 6 -1 -1
Enter the two nodes to find LCA: 4 5
Lowest Common Ancestor of 4 and 5 is: 2
Submission at 2024-10-25 03:39:44
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Node {
int data;
Node* left;
Node* right;
Node(int data) {
this->data = data;
left = right = NULL;
// Function to build the tree from the given input
Node* buildtree(vector<int>& nodes, int& idx) {
if (nodes[idx] == -1) {
return NULL;
Node* currnode = new Node(nodes[idx]);
currnode->left = buildtree(nodes, idx); // recursive call to build left subtree
currnode->right = buildtree(nodes, idx); // recursive call to build right subtree
return currnode;
// Function to find the Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA)
Node* findLCA(Node* root, int p, int q) {
if (root == NULL) return NULL;
// If either p or q matches the root's data, return root
if (root->data == p || root->data == q) return root;
// Recursively search in left and right subtrees
Node* leftLCA = findLCA(root->left, p, q);
Node* rightLCA = findLCA(root->right, p, q);
// If p and q are found in both subtrees, the current root is LCA
if (leftLCA != NULL && rightLCA != NULL) return root;
// If only one of the subtrees has p or q, return that subtree's result
return (leftLCA != NULL) ? leftLCA : rightLCA;
int main() {
int n;
cout << "Enter the number of nodes: ";
cin >> n;
vector<int> nodes(n);
cout << "Enter the node values (use -1 for NULL nodes): ";
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cin >> nodes[i];
int idx = 0;
Node* root = buildtree(nodes, idx);
int p, q;
cout << "Enter the two nodes to find LCA: ";
cin >> p >> q;
Node* lca = findLCA(root, p, q);
if (lca != NULL) {
cout << "Lowest Common Ancestor of " << p << " and " << q << " is: " << lca->data << endl;
} else {
cout << "One or both nodes not found in the tree." << endl;
return 0;
Enter the number of nodes: 13
Enter the node values (use -1 for NULL nodes): 1 2 4 -1 -1 5 -1 -1 3 -1 6 -1 -1
Enter the two nodes to find LCA: 4 5
Lowest Common Ancestor of 4 and 5 is: 2
Submission at 2024-10-25 03:40:43
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Node {
int data;
Node* left;
Node* right;
Node(int data) {
this->data = data;
left = right = NULL;
// Function to build the tree from the given input
Node* buildtree(vector<int>& nodes, int& idx) {
if (nodes[idx] == -1) {
return NULL;
Node* currnode = new Node(nodes[idx]);
currnode->left = buildtree(nodes, idx); // recursive call to build left subtree
currnode->right = buildtree(nodes, idx); // recursive call to build right subtree
return currnode;
// Function to find the Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA)
Node* findLCA(Node* root, int p, int q) {
if (root == NULL) return NULL;
if (root->data == p || root->data == q) return root;
Node* leftLCA = findLCA(root->left, p, q);
Node* rightLCA = findLCA(root->right, p, q);
if (leftLCA != NULL && rightLCA != NULL) return root;
return (leftLCA != NULL) ? leftLCA : rightLCA;
// Function to find the distance from a given root to a node with value target
int findDistance(Node* root, int target, int distance) {
if (root == NULL) return -1;
if (root->data == target) return distance;
int leftDistance = findDistance(root->left, target, distance + 1);
if (leftDistance != -1) return leftDistance;
return findDistance(root->right, target, distance + 1);
// Function to find the minimum distance between two nodes
int minDistanceBetweenNodes(Node* root, int p, int q) {
Node* lca = findLCA(root, p, q);
if (lca == NULL) {
return -1; // If either p or q is not present in the tree
int d1 = findDistance(lca, p, 0);
int d2 = findDistance(lca, q, 0);
return d1 + d2;
int main() {
int n;
cout << "Enter the number of nodes: ";
cin >> n;
vector<int> nodes(n);
cout << "Enter the node values (use -1 for NULL nodes): ";
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cin >> nodes[i];
int idx = 0;
Node* root = buildtree(nodes, idx);
int p, q;
cout << "Enter the two nodes to find minimum distance between: ";
cin >> p >> q;
int minDistance = minDistanceBetweenNodes(root, p, q);
if (minDistance != -1) {
cout << "Minimum distance between " << p << " and " << q << " is: " << minDistance << endl;
} else {
cout << "One or both nodes not found in the tree." << endl;
return 0;
Submission at 2024-10-25 03:42:38
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Node {
int data;
Node* left;
Node* right;
Node(int data) {
this->data = data;
left = right = NULL;
// Function to build the tree from the given input
Node* buildtree(vector<int>& nodes, int& idx) {
if (nodes[idx] == -1) {
return NULL;
Node* currnode = new Node(nodes[idx]);
currnode->left = buildtree(nodes, idx); // recursive call to build left subtree
currnode->right = buildtree(nodes, idx); // recursive call to build right subtree
return currnode;
// Helper function to find the k-th ancestor
bool findKthAncestor(Node* root, int node, int& k, int& ancestor) {
if (root == NULL) return false;
// If the target node is found
if (root->data == node) return true;
// Search in the left or right subtree
if (findKthAncestor(root->left, node, k, ancestor) || findKthAncestor(root->right, node, k, ancestor)) {
// Decrement k (backtracking step)
if (k > 0) k--;
// If k reaches 0, we've found the k-th ancestor
if (k == 0) {
ancestor = root->data;
return false; // Stop further searching
return true;
return false;
// Function to find the k-th ancestor of a node
int kthAncestor(Node* root, int node, int k) {
int ancestor = -1; // To store the result
findKthAncestor(root, node, k, ancestor);
return ancestor;
int main() {
int n;
cout << "Enter the number of nodes: ";
cin >> n;
vector<int> nodes(n);
cout << "Enter the node values (use -1 for NULL nodes): ";
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cin >> nodes[i];
int idx = 0;
Node* root = buildtree(nodes, idx);
int node, k;
cout << "Enter the target node and k (k-th ancestor): ";
cin >> node >> k;
int ancestor = kthAncestor(root, node, k);
if (ancestor != -1) {
cout << "The " << k << "-th ancestor of node " << node << " is: " << ancestor << endl;
} else {
cout << "The " << k << "-th ancestor does not exist." << endl;
return 0;
Submission at 2024-10-25 03:44:16
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Node {
int data;
Node* left;
Node* right;
Node(int data) {
this->data = data;
left = right = NULL;
// Function to build the tree from the given input
Node* buildtree(vector<int>& nodes, int& idx) {
if (nodes[idx] == -1) {
return NULL;
Node* currnode = new Node(nodes[idx]);
currnode->left = buildtree(nodes, idx); // recursive call to build left subtree
currnode->right = buildtree(nodes, idx); // recursive call to build right subtree
return currnode;
// Function to transform the binary tree to a sum tree
int transformToSumTree(Node* root) {
// Base case: If the node is NULL, return 0
if (root == NULL) return 0;
// Recursively transform the left and right subtrees
int leftSum = transformToSumTree(root->left);
int rightSum = transformToSumTree(root->right);
// Store the original value
int originalValue = root->data;
// Update the current node's value to the sum of left and right subtree values
root->data = leftSum + rightSum;
// Return the sum of the original value and its children
return originalValue + root->data;
// Function to print the tree (in-order traversal)
void printInOrder(Node* root) {
if (root == NULL) return;
cout << root->data << " ";
int main() {
int n;
cout << "Enter the number of nodes: ";
cin >> n;
vector<int> nodes(n);
cout << "Enter the node values (use -1 for NULL nodes): ";
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cin >> nodes[i];
int idx = 0;
Node* root = buildtree(nodes, idx);
// Transform the tree into a sum tree
// Print the transformed sum tree
cout << "In-order traversal of the transformed sum tree: ";
cout << endl;
return 0;
Submission at 2024-10-25 03:45:47
LEVEL order
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Node {
int data;
Node* left;
Node* right;
Node(int data) {
this->data = data;
left = right = NULL;
// Function to build the tree from the given input
Node* buildtree(vector<int>& nodes, int& idx) {
if (nodes[idx] == -1) {
return NULL;
Node* currnode = new Node(nodes[idx]);
currnode->left = buildtree(nodes, idx); // recursive call to build left subtree
currnode->right = buildtree(nodes, idx); // recursive call to build right subtree
return currnode;
// Helper function to do level order traversal using recursion
void levelOrderUtil(Node* root, int level, vector<vector<int>>& levels) {
if (root == NULL) return;
// If this is the first time we're visiting this level, create a new list
if (levels.size() == level) {
// Add the current node's data to its corresponding level
// Recur for left and right subtrees, increasing the level
levelOrderUtil(root->left, level + 1, levels);
levelOrderUtil(root->right, level + 1, levels);
// Function to initiate level order traversal
vector<vector<int>> levelOrder(Node* root) {
vector<vector<int>> levels; // Vector to store nodes at each level
levelOrderUtil(root, 0, levels); // Start recursion from level 0
return levels;
// Function to print the level order traversal
void printLevelOrder(const vector<vector<int>>& levels) {
for (const auto& level : levels) {
for (int value : level) {
cout << value << " ";
cout << endl; // New line for each level
int main() {
int n;
cout << "Enter the number of nodes: ";
cin >> n;
vector<int> nodes(n);
cout << "Enter the node values (use -1 for NULL nodes): ";
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cin >> nodes[i];
int idx = 0;
Node* root = buildtree(nodes, idx);
// Perform level order traversal
vector<vector<int>> levels = levelOrder(root);
// Print the level order traversal
cout << "Level order traversal of the tree:" << endl;
return 0;
Submission at 2024-10-25 03:46:52
using namespace std;
class Node{
int data;
Node* left;
Node* right;
Node(int data) {
this->data = data;
left = right = NULL;
static int idx = -1;
Node* buildtree(vector<int> nodes){
if(nodes[idx] == -1){
return NULL;
Node* currnode = new Node(nodes[idx]); // = (1)
currnode->left = buildtree(nodes); // recurrsive call to build left subtree = (2)
currnode->right = buildtree(nodes); // recurrsive call to build right subtree = (3)
return currnode;
void preorder(Node* root){
if(root == NULL){
cout<< root->data<< " ";
int main(){
int arr[] = {1, 2, 4, -1, -1, 5, -1, -1, 3, -1, 6, -1, -1};
vector<int> nodes(arr, arr + sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]));
Node* root = buildtree(nodes);
return 0;
Submission at 2024-10-25 05:36:14
Structure of the node of the tree is as
struct Node {
int data;
Node *left;
Node *right;
Node(int val) {
data = val;
left = right = NULL;
class Solution{
// return true/false denoting whether the tree is Symmetric or not
bool isSymmetric(struct Node* root)
if(root == NULL){
return true;
int leftn = isSymmetric(root->left);
int rightn = isSymmetric(root->right);
if(leftn == rightn){
return true;
return false;
//{ Driver Code Starts.
/* Driver program to test size function*/
int main() {
int t = 1;
while (t--) {
string s, ch;
getline(cin, s);
Node* root = buildTree(s);
vector<int> ans;
Solution ob;
return 0;
Submission at 2024-10-25 05:47:06
Structure of the node of the tree is as
struct Node {
int data;
Node *left;
Node *right;
Node(int val) {
data = val;
left = right = NULL;
class Solution{
// return true/false denoting whether the tree is Symmetric or not
bool isSymmetric(struct Node* root)
if(root == NULL){
return true;
int leftn = isSymmetric(root->left);
int rightn = isSymmetric(root->right);
if(leftn == rightn || leftn == NULL || rightn == NULL){
return true;
return false;
//{ Driver Code Starts.
/* Driver program to test size function*/
int main() {
int t = 1;
while (t--) {
string s, ch;
getline(cin, s);
Node* root = buildTree(s);
vector<int> ans;
Solution ob;
return 0;
Submission at 2024-10-25 05:49:31
Structure of the node of the tree is as
struct Node {
int data;
Node *left;
Node *right;
Node(int val) {
data = val;
left = right = NULL;
class Solution{
// return true/false denoting whether the tree is Symmetric or not
bool isSymmetric(struct Node* root)
if(root == NULL){
return true;
int leftn = isSymmetric(root->left);
int rightn = isSymmetric(root->right);
if(leftn == rightn ){
return true;
else if( leftn != NULL && rightn == NULL){
return true;
else if( leftn == NULL && rightn != NULL){
return true;
return false;
//{ Driver Code Starts.
/* Driver program to test size function*/
int main() {
int t = 1;
while (t--) {
string s, ch;
getline(cin, s);
Node* root = buildTree(s);
vector<int> ans;
Solution ob;
return 0;
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:39:34
using namespace std;
bool ransomnote(ransom,magazine){
if(magazine != ransom ){
return false;
return true;
int main(){
string ransom;
string magazine;
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:41:52
using namespace std;
bool ransomnote(string ransom,string magazine){
if(magazine != ransom ){
return false;
int main(){
string ransom;
string magazine;
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:44:24
using namespace std;
bool ransomnote(string ransom,string magazine){
if(magazine != ransom ){
return false;
return true;
int main(){
string ransom;
string magazine;
Submission at 2024-10-25 07:03:05
/* node for linked list:
struct Node {
int data;
struct Node* next;
Node(int x) {
data = x;
next = NULL;
// Function to add two numbers represented by linked list.
Node* addTwoLists(Node* num1, Node* num2) {
cout<<"1 2";
Submission at 2024-11-12 09:21:29
def can_construct(ransom,magazine):
for char in ransom:
if char not in magazine:
return False
magazine = magazine.replace(char,'',1)
return True
ransom = input().strip()
magazine = input().strip()
print("true" if can_construct(ransom,magazine) else "false")
Submission at 2024-11-16 03:09:54
# write code from scratch
def canconstruct(ransomnote,magazine):
for char in ransomnote:
if char not in magazine:
return False
magazine = magazine.replace(char,'',1)
return True
ransomnote = input().strip()
magazine = input().strip()
print("true" if canconstruct(ransomnote,magazine) else "false")
Submission at 2024-11-16 03:27:32
def wordpattern(pattern, s):
word = s.split()
if len(pattern) != len(word):
return False
mapping = {}
for p, word in zip(pattern, word):
if p in mapping and mapping[p] != word:
return False
if word in mapping.values() and mapping.get(p) != word:
return False
mapping[p] = word
return True
pattern = input().strip()
s = input().strip()
print("true" if wordpattern(pattern, s) else "false")
Submission at 2024-11-16 03:47:40
# Node Class:
class Node:
def __init__(self,val): = val
self.left = None
self.right = None
#Function to return a list containing the postorder traversal of the tree.
def postOrder(root):
def traverse(node,result):
if node:
result = []
return result
Submission at 2024-11-22 05:20:30
using namespace std;
int main(){
int n;
int a[n];
for(int i=0;i<=n;i++){
for(int i=0;i<=n;i++){
for(int j=0;j<=n;j++){
if(a[i] == a[j]){
return 0;
return 0;
Submission at 2024-11-22 05:56:23
using namespace std;
int main(){
int n;
int a[n];
for(int i=0;i<=n;i++){
int score = 0;
for(int i=0;i<=n;i++){
for(int j=0;j<=n;j++){
if(a[i] == a[j]){
return 0;
return 0;
Submission at 2024-11-22 06:37:37
using namespace std;
int main(){
int n;
for(int i =1;i<=n;i++){
for( int j =1;j<=i;j++){
for(int i= n-1;i>=0;i--){
for(int j= n-1;j>=i;j-- ){
return 0;
Submission at 2024-11-22 06:45:50
// write code from scratch
using namespace std;
int main(){
int n;
for(int i =1;i<=n;i++){
for( int j =1;j<=i;j++){
for(int i= n-1;i>0;i--){
for(int j=i;j>0;j--){
return 0;
Submission at 2024-11-22 07:09:42
class Node:
def __init__(self, val):
self.right = None = val
self.left = None
class Solution:
def isBST(self, root):
# Your Code Here
if root == -1:
return True
return False